
 !0/2 Did you Know That: Avoiding the Awkward

Introducing the Rubber Solider in the Bedroom
 For many, college is the first time students are living with, going out with, and sleeping with the opposite sex. We meet lucky prospects and in today’s hook up culture, there seems to be only one thing everyone is looking for; sex. For some, the only knowledge they have about safe sex, or sex at all, is what they were taught in high school. This maybe good or bad, but the only way of knowing if you have the most accurate information is to do your research. You may also find it to be beneficial to go to your campus’ sexual health programming. Here at UC, a great way to learn some safer sex skills is to attend one of the Student Wellness Center’s sexual health programs that are presented by your peers, the HealthyU Peer Educators. They have been where are you are and can easily relate to your worries, fears, and questions.
            So, after you learn information about the importance of using protection such as a condom, how do you introduce what can be an awkward little object under the sheets with a person you may barley know on a Saturday night? Well here are some ideas…
·         Buy ribbed, textured, his and her lubricated condoms to make it more fun. This is also a good way to convince the “it doesn’t feel as good with a condom” partner that condoms are not only necessary but can make sex better.
·         For oral sex, buy flavored condoms, or add flavored lubricant to the condom to encourage some kind of barrier method to be used.
·         Female condoms can be worn up to 4 hours before the sexual act. If you know there will be time for dessert after dinner, you can be prepared and ready for action without any conversation of finding and putting a condom on before the act.
·         Let your partner know that by using the little rubber solider that night, there will be less worry the next morning.
Just by wearing that condom, you are significantly decreasing risk to your health and to your partner’s health. Remember if a condom or barrier method is used every time, it is still important to get tested for STI’s every three to six months.
Stop by the Student Wellness Center in 675 Steger Student Life Center for three free condoms a day. We now even have Fire and Ice Trojan condoms!


10/1/2012 Working out the Kinks
 There is nothing worse than waking up with that kink in your neck.  Usually trying to work it out feels even more painful than gritting your teeth and suffering through it.  While out of the ordinary sleeping positions can be the cause of these morning aches and pains, there is another reported medical reason that has been under the radar.  According to CNN Health, an estimated 8 out of 10 Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives and half of those cases are due to sexual activity in the bedroom (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases). Whether you are playing it safe or enduring a workout fit for an Olympic athlete in the bedroom, it is never too late to avoid these discomforting injuries.  Sex works many muscles that we do not use on a daily basis and can leave you feeling less than satisfied the morning after.
While the idea of a sex related injury may seem like a laughable problem, there are many instances where bedroom acrobatics can take a turn for the worse.  I was prompted to look further into this topic when a student at a sexual health program asked me what the point of lube was, and if it would help with pain during sex. The answer is yes, irritation or tearing from vigorous sex can be minimized by using a lubricant. This got me to thinking about the other discomforting results that sex can induce.

Giving new meaning to the term 'safe sex', these sexual hazards do not mean that protection has to take the form of a padded body suit. There are many physical activities that can enhance your sexual capabilities.  Yoga and Pilates were sited as the top two exercises that build stamina in the muscles that are challenged most during active sex.  These exercises primarily focus on the abdomen and torso which overall provide a stronger back and greater strength when tackling the most demanding sexual positions.
Physicians agree that stretching is always a good idea especially if you experience pains from other daily activities.  A great starting goal to increase flexibility and positively enhance your bedroom performance would be to work on touching your toes.  Once the flexibility is attained the next safety measure is to clear the area of dangerous objects; since the majority of sex related injuries were sustained in non-conventional places such as the kitchen or on tables. One study in London found that the most common sex injury was a pulled muscle, with back injuries, carpet burns, and cricked necks pulling in close behind. Surprisingly the most dangerous spots for sex were also the most ordinary: the sofa, a chair, or the shower. 

Regardless of the form of sex ed that you have received, at some point you have heard of the horror stories that can come with intense sexual activity such as penile fractures or serious vaginal tears.  These are extreme cases that in most cases are very painful but not life threatening.  In order to help alleviate the gruesome picture that comes with the thought of a penile fracture know that these are not true fractures in the traditional sense; but tiny tears in the tissue of the penis.

As for women, many will not feel any pain until after sex which usually leads to discomfort and anxiety about the cause of the pain.  This delayed pain happens to both men and women because arousal raises pain tolerance due to the rush of blood and nerve stimulation below the belt.  Even the simplest muscle strains or tears are enough to leave you groaning in a less than enjoyable way.

Injuries related to sexual activity are hardly ever reported because of the stigma that comes with talking about sex. Many researchers compare some sex positions with the intensity of a full tennis or boxing match.  Woman's Day released some statistics that related sex to a physical workout for those who are calorie counting inclined.  After looking at the calorie burn this kind of workout can enforce, the concept of sexual injuries seem a lot more plausible.  Below I have created a table detailing the activity and average calories burned.

Activity                            Calories Burned 
Kissing                             68 cal per hour 
Undressing                       8+ cal per hour 
Massaging                        80+ cal
Having Sex                       144+ cal per half hour 
Giving Oral Sex               100 cal per half hour  
Using Your Hands            100 cal per hour 
Making Out                     238 cal per half hour                     

It is obvious that sex of any from involves a physical element as well as cognitive awareness.  We spend a lot of time being constantly reminded about practicing safe sex through condoms or abstinence.  I hope that this information has provided some guidance and promoted a different perspective on the idea of safe sex.  No one wants to nurse a pulled hamstring after a wild night under the sheets. Know your limits. If you are experiencing pain in a certain area work towards building strength and flexibility before pursuing further.  And please remember to always stretch before the big game!

Click below for more information on what you just read and appreciate the art of flexibility!
Sex can be a pain in the back!
Bedroom Blunders
Work it Out


‘Hookups’ Taking Place of the Relationship? 09/12/2012

College students, during one of the most social periods of their lives, aren’t necessarily looking for a soul mate. How are students doing it now? I would like to argue that the official committed relationship that our parents once knew is becoming a blurred reality as a result of the hookup craze that is the present day college atmosphere. What used to be a partner seeking desire has shifted to the mysteriously termed “hookup”, or sexual encounters with no strings attached. Here at UC competing for the top three worries in the personal lives of Clifton students would have to be parking, locking your doors, and sex. We are meeting potential partners like they are waiting in an assembly line. Who knows what crossing the street could lead to these days!
The idea used to be that you are going to date someone and something sexual may happen down the road. During this hookup era something sexual happens and more commonly, does not lead to serious dating. From high school, young adults are so preoccupied with making friends, getting an education, and establishing a life direction, that they don’t make time for relationships. We become so consumed by constant stimulation that the thought of maintaining something long term nearly triggers a gag reflex.

The term “hookup” is socially defined, which means that no one really knows what it means when used in conversation.  Generally hookups can be understood as anything from kissing to sexual intercourse and all of the fun in between.  Now exists an awkward dialogue among friends that usually follows along the lines:
                Inquisitive Roommate: “So what happened with that guy last night?”
                Hookup Partaker: “Oh nothing we just hooked up…”

It is safe to assume that the Hookup Partaker didn’t play charades and watch ABC Family movies with the new guy last night. The reality of what truly happened is left up to the imagination, and the vagueness of the “hookup” is prolonged.  Let’s face it you and your grandma have different definitions of a hookup. This varies across the board for everyone since people come from different backgrounds with varying values.

One reason according to experts that the hooking up is so popular among young people is that in both the United States and other Western countries people are starting to get married later on in life. In the 1990s it wasn’t uncommon for people to be getting married between the ages of 20-24. As of 2005 in the United States that number has increased to 27-30. When college students realize they probably won’t be getting married for another 10 or so years hookups are going to happen.

As the first decade of 21st century becomes the past, we see changes and a shift in cultural values. Women have a greater sense of empowerment than ever before and may not maintain the 1950’s house wife mentality of growing old in the kitchen.  Men on the other hand are still having a hard time developing a greater sense of intimacy, and so the lack of commitment continues.
According to a recent WCPO report, Cincinnati is ranked as the 4th most sexually satisfied city in the US. Which means that while all of the 20 somethings may not be heading towards marriage they are still getting out there and forming connections.  

 While the idea of a committed relationship seems preposterous at this point in time, the ultimate goal is partnership.  A time will come when hooking up sounds less appealing and commitment takes the reigns. Don’t rush it and do what feels right.  This is a time to weigh your options and decide what you want in a person.   A friend of mine said it perfectly while talking about this discussion…”We all attended health class in middle school and high school. I know the ins and outs [of sex].   I’m in no position to act my age right now.  Sex is fun, and at its core a physical need. It’s a healthy activity.”  The hookup may be on the rise, but is a mere step in the direction of a committed relationship.


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