Resolutions come in all shapes and sizes. According to the two most popular new year promises are to drink less alcohol, and to eat healthier food. Both of these hinge on how they make the body feel, and how negatively it can impact your daily life. This results from the negative relationship that many people experience with food. Because of this rocky understanding on how to properly nourish our bodies, we are bombarded with an outrageous amount of information about how different "Dr. Oz" like doctors think you should conquer the grocery store. Medical news prompts you on the specific foods, and how much you need in order to look presentable come swimsuit season. Portion control (its praises as worn out as your couch cushions) provides a valuable understanding of food, but does not account for the mental and emotional side of eating. Your relationship with food is possibly one of the most crucial aspects to ever achieving the new years resolution to drop the unwanted pounds.
As you begin to make changes towards a new you for this 2013 year read more on how to revitalize your food mentality. A healthy mind is reflected in a healthy appearance.
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Don't diet yourself crazy
Many break a sweat just considering the idea of a diet. There are only hundreds of thousands diets to choose from and putting a set of rules on food usually results in eating your weight in brownies out of the sheer anxiety of choosing one. If you have ever tried a diet and it didn't allow you to shed 10 pounds in 3 days chances are it wasn't the diet for you. Diets do you wrong based on the simple fact that no single food plan will work for everyone and usually no specific diet will either. Change your mindset and consider the factors that comprise the diets that are the most interesting. By taking aspects of the most appealing food plans you are able to customize your eating and feel that the decision to eat smarter is on your own terms. Whenever there are changes in eating patterns please consult your doctor first to ensure that you are heading in the right direction!
Another misconceiving aspect of a diet is that it is only temporary. Jenny Craig may have you convinced that a 30 day trial will give you a supermodel figure, but the fact is that your mentality about food is a lifetime decision (not 20 frozen Lean Cuisines). Don't deny yourself the enjoyment of eating in return for a vegetable juicer!
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It comes down to the mentality of the vocabulary surrounded with food. "I was so bad today I...(insert your favorite desert item here)." While you may feel empowered by admitting your guilt over devouring a cupcake that had more weight watchers points than was acceptable, it does not help you make improvements towards the future. Going into a new lifestyle of eating with negative thoughts and a vocabulary that quantifies eating cookies on the same level as robbing a bank you will never feel satisfied; no matter what size you are.
Are you Sleepy, Tired, Ornery, or Pissed-off... While my acronym attempt may not be as efficient as I had hoped, STOP eating if you are not hungry. It is one of the most simple things to do, yet the hardest to mentally understand. Once you begin to turn to food (or have turned in the past) for emotional support your mind begins to formulate associations with the feeling of eating and will prompt you to do so in the future. Some of the top feelings that can trigger emotional eating relate to elevated states of mood and hormonal changes in both men and women. While we may only view emotional eating as an unfortunate consequence of a breakup, there are many times when food is used to accommodate times of celebration as well. Be aware of how you feel about food and when you choose to chow down.
Be real about what you are consuming
As obnoxiously tedious as this recommendation can sound keeping a journal about your daily food intake can put your food relationship into perspective. Things only seem to get busier as time goes on and the first consciousness that falls to the wayside is the daily intake. Between work, school, and a social life it is hard for anyone to remember what they had for breakfast much less remember inhaling two burgers for dinner. If you decide to journal looking at the inventory as more than a way to lose weight will make it less intimidating to see the reality of what you are putting into your body. Once you realize that eating a whole pizza three times a week is truly happening, the mystery as to why your pants are shrinking will be solved!
What are you really looking for?
There is always a philosophical aspect to any resolution. Something prompted you do desire this change, and there is a reason why it is challenging. What do you really want from a healthy diet? When you consider what a new food lifestyle will provide in your life and how you will directly benefit from these changes, the transformation process won't be as difficult to accept. You may feel like crunching into a bag of carrots sounds as enticing as getting a root canal, but if you are mindful of how wonderful the benefits of success are carrots can suddenly take the shape of some chocolate cheese cake and the experience becomes borderline stupendous.
Enjoy the ride
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We hope these suggestions help make your relationship less complicated, and leads to a HealthierU in 2013.
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