Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Meet the Peer Educators

At the University of Cincinnati the Peer Educators are the ones you will see around campus distributing health information, presenting on aspects of wellness, and working hard in the office to develop resources for YOU! You may also know us as the condom people. While this is very true there is much more to our work than spreading the wealth to everyone on campus. The Wellness Center offers numerous different health and wellness items for your daily needs. From ibuprofen to cold medicine and yes condoms, we have the little things you may need while on the run. Stop in and say hello at 675 Steger anywhere from 9-5 we love having visitors!

Use this site as well as the individuals presented on it as a resource for those things you may not be so sure about while trying to live a life of health.  While we may all be known for the information we deliver on health and wellness, each one of our peer educators has skills and interests that create a diverse range of abilities. Read on to learn about your Peer Educators and see who may be the best to contact if you have any questions, or need programing on specific topics! 

Andrea Parker
Hi! I am a third year majoring in social work and minoring in early childhood education and development. I have been a peer educator since freshman year and mainly enjoy my position on campus because I get to talk to other peers about different health topics. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I am also involved in my church and enjoy going to different restaurants and trying new foods. After college I hope to continue going to UC for her graduate degree and then working as a social worker for children.

Jennifer Olivieri
 Hey! I'm 19 years old and a second year here studying psychology and criminal justice. I am extremely interested in the human mind and why people do what they do, especially as it pertains to criminal acts. You will always find me either reading a booking, hanging out with friends, watching an old movie and/or just being active in some way. I have to say that the best part of being a PE is the fact that I get to influence the UC community as well as leave my mark on this place. I have only been a PE for a year now and already I can see how what I am doing making a difference. In all I just love my job as a PE

Ashley Martin 
Hi! I am a 3rd year in Dietetics at UC.  My favorite topic areas to focus on are Fitness, nutrition, and sports nutrition. You can find me dancing on the international dance team, exercising, and reading. What makes being a PE so awesome is that I have the opportunity to inform other students while emphasizing certain health topics in an understandable way. What many don't consider about this position is that we learn so much from the people we inform on a daily basis.  Although being a PE is fabulous, in terms of the future I hope to become a registered dietitian, lead fitness classes, and help work with dancers or athletes to cultivate a well rounded nutrition plan. 

Jess Lonzo
Hello! I am a Fifth Year Senior, graduating December 2013. Majoring in communication, I enjoy focusing on health promotions for higher education. One of my favorite topics to discuss and present on is sexual health...seriously ask me anything! In January I will be attending graduate school at UC for my M.S. in Health Promotions/Community Health. I've been a Peer Educator for the past 4 years and it has helped to guide me to the path I want to take in the future. My main goal in my last semester is to make our resources and information more available to students because without resources and the information for being holistically well, students college experience is impacted negatively. 

Perin Acito
Hello! I am a 4th year Dietetics student. This is my third (and final) year as a Peer Educator at the Student Wellness Center, where my areas of interest include nutrition, fitness, and social media. My favorite part about being a Peer Educator is being able to interact with the students on a more relaxed and personal level, because I truly believe that peer education is effective. I believe that a healthier lifestyle can lead to a greater quality of life, and that is why I love what I do and what we stand for as Peer Educators! In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis, relaxing with family and friends, and I also love to travel! Be sure to stop on by the Student Wellness Center to say hi!


Morgan Cummins
 Hi! I am a fourth year student at the University of Cincinnati majoring in sociology. I will be graduating next spring and hope to be working in inner city school as a counselor. I love traveling, trying new foods, going to football games, and playing with my kitten Bourbon. I love interacting with the diverse group of students that UC offers. My favorite subject to discuss with students is sexual health & alcohol, because I love seeing the student's reactions to the high statistics and surprising facts related to sexual health & alcohol. This year I hope to debunk a lot of the myths associated with alcohol and sexual health that many college students believe to be true.  

Fancesca Urbina
Greetings! I am a senior Dietetics major with focus nutrition and fitness, and alcohol awareness.  I love being a PE because I get the opportunity to exchange information with my peers. They teach me just as much as I teach them. I also love all the faculty, staff, and students I've met since becoming a PE. The best part about being a PE is getting to have lunch with my bosses and coworkers everyday, getting to develop programs, and feeling connected to the university and Cincinnati community.I hope to impact the university by sharing valuable information to college students. Many students take their bodies for granted. If they leave my program knowing that their health and safety is something to treasure, then I think I've done my job well. My plans for the future include graduate school and possibly the Peace Corps. I hope to one day teach at the University of Cincinnati. You can't get rid of me just yet!

Erika Henry
Hello! I am currently a Junior in the Health Promotion and Education program focusing on community and public health. I love to read, dance, run, travel, and spend time with my close friends and family. I just started working at the Wellness Center, but I can already tell what my favorite part of being a Peer Educator is going to be. I am really excited to constantly gain knowledge on various health topics and work with amazing people! I hope to teach the UC community that health is one of the most important things in life and give them tools to be healthier, happier people! After I graduate I plan to get my Masters in Health Promotion and hopefully get a job working on the obesity epidemic here in The States. 

Riley Vollmer
Hi! I am a fourth year in communications and professional sales as well as the blogger for the Wellness Center page. I have been a PE since my sophomore year and enjoy learning about the latest health and wellness topics the most! General wellness has become my favorite topic due to the wide range of information that you can present, there is always something new to learn.  Outside of UC I am really involved in health and fitness. I coach tennis and enjoy teaching yoga. Once I graduate I hope to find either a job in sales or something in the health and wellness field, and if all else fails traveling wouldn't be the worst option!

Hope everyone is having a healthy start to their school year. Stay tuned for our tips on how to avoid being "That College Student."  


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